Observation ID: 219275

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
American Beaver
Identification Confidence
100% certain
Observation Date / Time

first observed at 1:12pm, alive and lifted its head slightly as I drove past. when I drove past again at 2:00pm it appeared to be dead (rolled onto side with eyes open, unmoving). called animal services but they could not take it in time. saw someone drive past on the road very fast while i was waiting on the phone, so there may be issues with speeding in this area. road appears to be in between a pond and a group of trees, so it may be a common area for beavers to walk across.

Travel Frequency
Carcass Position
road shoulder
Road Type
local paved
Location Description
one-way street with a small pond on one side, and on the other side a steep dirt hill with trees behind it
Roadside Features
no artificial structures
no median barrier

Observation Map