Observation ID: 213718

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
American Beaver
Identification Confidence
100% certain
Observation Date / Time

Why can't I enter Beaver as the animal's common name? Is this that rare? I have other photos, if you're interested. Anyway, that's why I put seal. It looks like this big beautiful beaver was hit by the fender of a low car, as it didn't actually seem ran over.

I am a Park Ranger in the district where this happened and I'm really excited that the San Luis Obispo Beaver brigade put me in touch with this observation platform. Many people I tell about this incident are skeptical that there are beavers in the north county, especially this far away from the Salinas River, but the pictures prove it and it makes for a greater appreciation of the world to see the proof.

Anyway, thank you for doing this!

Mark Krist
KABCO Crash Severity
O - Property Damage Only
Travel Frequency
several times per week
Estimated Time Since Impact
definitely less than 6 hours
Carcass Position
road surface
Roadway Speed Limit
50 mph
Road Type
urban minor / single lane
Roadside Features

Observation Map